
The Founders

Craig Linscott

Craig Linscott

M: 4

WS: 3

BS: 5

S: 8

T: 8

W: 6

A: 4

Ld: 8

Save: 4+

Born only a stones throw from King Arthurs Round Table this Founder has longed for the days of justice and conquest. One day the world will be his, but until that day perhaps this tabletop will do.

Bradley Linscott

Bradley Linscott

M: 6

WS: 3

BS: 3

S: 4

T: 4

W: 8

A: 5

Ld: 9

Save: 4+

They say the ground shook and the seas rose when this Founders first cry was heard in the world. Hailing from an island, time has its own meaning to Bradley. Underestimate him at your own peril.